


来源:3773.com.cn 2014-5-26 15:46:21

 口语第一题:Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. One suggestions would you give to your friend.
  第二题: When you take a trip, do you prefer to just look around, or do you prefer to take pictures and keep a journal?

  第三题: The student letter suggests that the school should allow students to drink beverages in the library. It reasons that students need coffee or tea to refresh their mind while reading in the library, and that they will do so carefully in order not to spill any drink. However, in the conversation, the girl expresses strong disagreement. She argues that first, there is a café not far away from the library. Taking a few minutes off from studying in the library and having a little walk is a good way to relax. Also, accidents do happen sometimes no matter how careful you are with the beverage, so in the long run, there will be stains on the book or damage to the computer.

  第四题:information overload, 意思就是 amount of information exceeds people’s capacity to process it,much information that people can't process it.教授给了两个例子,第一个例子就是招聘员工,第一天就收到了很多application,没有很多时间去看这些,只有挑一些重要的information,其余的部分有时间再看。

  第五题:女生学习很忙,还有part time job,所以没有时间去gym锻炼,有两个解决方法,第一个是骑车去学校而不坐公交,但是时间很长,外面天气很热。第二种方法是早起去健身房,健身完了可以洗澡,但是要早起。

  第六题: Arctic的动物有2种方法适应寒冷的天气,第一种就是basking,蝴蝶展开翅膀,吸收solar energy,保持自身温度。第二种是freezing tolerence, 尽管体内水分冻结,但是他体内的chemical物质可以防止冻伤,当温度回升的时候,会thaw然后恢复active to normal.

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