


来源:3773中考 2013-6-15 13:54:59


87.He knew France well, as if he had been there many times.


88.Seeing those pictures, the student couldn't help thinking of those memorable days. (回忆起那些难忘的日子)

89.Only after they had performed hundreds of experiments, did they succeed in solving the problem. (他们才成功地解决了这个问题)

90.Some people hold the mistaken belief that our domestic products

are always inferior to imported goods. (总是次于进口商品)

91. sometimes giving up is helpful for you to concentrate time and energ on(有助于你把时间和精力集中于) a few things that are truly important.


87.No matter how many mistakes you have made (不管你出了多少错)

88.lying in a stranger's home(躺在一个陌生人的家里)

89.the outcome is far away to be satisfied. (结果远不令人满意)

90. did his parents did not receive his message(他的父母也没收到简讯)

91.Completely ignoring the traffic

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