


来源:3773考试网 2016-12-1 19:12:03

I .知识要点和考核要求
一、听力理解 (Part I: Listeni g Compreh nsion)
听力理解部分为单项选择题,分三节:Section A,Section B,Section C。
Section A:
每题为二句或三句的陈述(sta em nt)。
Section B:
Section C:
听力部分的每题后有约 10 秒的间隙,要求考生从试卷所给出的每题四个选择项中选
出一个最佳答案。录音的语速为每分钟约 120 个词,念一遍。
二、语法与词汇(Part I : Gram ar nd Vocabulary)
(b)熟练掌握教学大纲词汇表对一级至四级规定的 50 -60 个认识词汇中的 20 -
250 个词汇及其最基本的搭配。
本部分为单项选择题,由 25 题组成,每题有四个选择项。题目中约 50%为词汇词组
和短语用法,约 50%为语法结构。3
三、完型填空(Part I : Cloze)
本题为单项选择题。在一篇 250 词左右、题材熟悉、难度中等的短文中留有二十个空
四、阅读理解(Part IV: Reading Compreh nsion)
(i )了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节。
(i )既理解字面意思,也能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论。
(i)能在 5 分钟内速读 90 词左右中等难度的文章。
(i )掌握所读材料的主旨和大意。
(i )理解事实和细节。4
本部分为单项选择题。本节共有数篇短文。短文共长 150 个词左右。每篇短文后有若
五、写作(Part V: Writ ng)
要求根据所出的题目和列出的写作提纲或图表、数字统计表等,写一篇 150-20 词左
I .模拟试题及参考答案
(考试时间:150 分钟)
(总分:240 分)
Part I Listeni g compreh nsion(70’)
Section A: Short conversations. (2’X10=20’)
Directions: In this ection, you wil hear 10 sta em nts ( hort conversations). At he nd
of each sta em nt (conversation), a question wil be asked about what was aid. Both e
sta em nt (conversation) and question wil be spoken ONLY ONCE. After ach question, ther wil be a p use. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B C, and
D, and ecide whic is the b st answer. Then write he cor espondi g let r on the Answer
She t.1.A.In the park. B.Betwe n two build ngs. C.In his ap rtment. D.Under a huge tr e. 2.A.The woman is a close friend of the man. B.The woman has be n working to hard. C.The woman is e ing a doct r. D.The woman is t red of her work. 3.A.Plan his budget careful y. B.Give h r more information. C.Ask omeone lse for advice.
D.Buy a gift or his girlf iend. 4.A.She’l have some choc late cake.
B.She’l take a lo k at he menu. C.She’l not have d s ert.6
D.She’l pre are the din er. 5.A.Go t he libra y.
B.Me t he woman. C.Se Profes or Smith. D.Have a drink in the bar. 6.A.She isn’t sure when Profes or Blo m wil be ack. B.The man shouldn’t be late for his clas . C.The man can come back sometime later. D.She can pas on the mes age for the man. 7.A.He has trange p rsonality.
B.He’s got emoti nal problems. C.His l nes i beyond cure.
D.His behavior s hard to explain. 8.A.The tickets are more xpensive than expect d. B.The tickets are sold in advance at half price. C.It’s dif cult o buy the tickets on the spot. D.It’s bet r to buy the tickets beforehand. 9.A.He turned sud enly and ran i to a tre . B.He was hit by a f l en box from a truck. C.He drove to fast nd crashed into a truck. D.He was trying to vertake the truck ahead of him. 10.A.She used to be in po r health. B.She was po ular mong boys. C.She was omewhat overweight. D.She di n’t do wel at hig scho l. Section B: Conversation (2.5’x8=20’)
Directions: In this ection, you wil hear 8 short conversations betw en two speakers. At he nd of each onversation, you wil hear some questions. Both e conversations and the
questions wil be spoken Once. After you hear question, you must cho se the b st answer
from the four choices marked A, B C, and D. Then write he cor espondi g let r on the
Answer She t. 1 . How is the woman doing in the course?7
A. She asn’t be n doing much of the r ading. B. She understo d the r ading last night. C. She isn’t having much trouble. 12. What can be conclude about Andrew?
A. Winter is his favourite ime for sports. B. Sports are quite mportan to him. C. He should be more nthusia t c. D. He plays bet r than he used to. 13. What does the woman mean?
A. Paul had bet r d op more than o e course. B. Paul’s course i the b st of the five. C. Paul is an exc l ent s udent. D. Paul’s idea is proba ly a go d one. 14. What re thes people complain g about?
A. The noise. B. The at. C. The workload. D. The crowde nes . 15. What does the man mean?
A. n can go with im this afterno n. B. An ’s almost a busy as he is. C. An has lot do t day. D. An might be fin shed by no n. 16. Wher should the woman write o her f iend?
A. t he post of ice. B. At his home ad res . C. At his mountain cabin. D. At his uncle’s ad res . 17. What does the man want he university o d ?
A. Do aw y with certain required clas e . B. Of er more basic las e . C. Enrol few r students.8
D. Encourage more compulsory discu sions. 18. What does the woman say bout Carl?
A. She doesn’t know hen his clas e star . B. She’s urp ised tha he chose tha company. C. She doubts he makes much money now. D. She wonders why e’s not re urned to scho l.
Section C Pas ges. (3’x10=30’)
Directions: In this ection, you wil hear 3 pas ges. At he nd of each pas ge, you wil
hear some questions. Both e pas ges and the questions wil be spoken TWICE. After you
hear question, you must cho se the b st answer f om the four choices marked A, B C, and
D. Then write he cor espondi g let r on the Answer She t. Pas ge One
Questions 19-21 are based on the pas ge you have just heard. 19.A.The art of saying thank you. B.The s cret of staying pret y. C.The importance of go d man ers. D.The dif er nce b twe n el gance and go d man ers. 20.A.They wer nicer and gentler. B.They paid more at ention to heir ap ear nce. C.They wer wil ng to spend more money on clothes. D.They wer more aw re of changes in fashion. 21.A.By decorating our homes. B.By being kind and gen rous. C.By wearing fashionable clothes. D.By put ing on a lit e make-up.9
Pas ge Two
Questions 2 - 4 are based on the pas ge you have just heard. 2 .A.A basket. B.A cup. C.An eg . D.An oven. 23.A.To let in the sunshine. B.To serv as it do r. C.To ke p the n st co l. D.For the bird to lay eg s. 24.A.Branches. B.Gras e . C.Mud. D.Straw. 25.A.Some are built on the ground. B.Some can be aten. C.Most are s wed with gras e . D.Most are dried by the sun. Pas ge Thre
Questions 26- 8 are based on the pas ge you have just heard. 26.A.Anxious and wor ied. B.Proud and excited. C.Nervous and confused. D.Inspired and confident. 27.A.His father scolde him sev rely. B.His father to k back the six dol ars. C.His father made him do the cut ing a in. D.His father cut he l aves himself. 28.A.One can ben fit a lot from working with is father. B.Manual bore s houldn’t be lo ked own upon. C.One should always do his job earnestly. D.Te nagers tend to be carel s .10
Part I Gram ar & Vocabulary. (2’×25= 0’)
Directions: Ther are 25 sent ces in this ection. Ben ath each sent ce ther are four
words or phrase marked A, B C and D. Cho se one word or phrase tha best complet s the
sent ce. Write your answer on the Answer She t. 1 . In the past hre decades, _ _ sign ficant advance has be n made in _ _ modern agricult re. A.a; 不填 B.the; a
C.不填; the D.a;
2.In some places in the South of China, _ _ car has lready become_ _ po ular
means of transporta ion. A.a; the B.不填; a
C.the; a D.the; the
3.What he r mote are s ne d _ _ education to children a d what he children e d
_ _ go d tex bo ks at he mo ent. A.is; are B.are; is
C.was; wer D.wer ; was
4.—Did you go t he show last night? —Yeah. Every boy and girl n the are _ _ inv ted. A.wer B.have b en
C.has be n D.was
5.My uncle’s house in the downtown are is much smal er than ours, but i s twice _ _ expensive. A.as B.so
C.to D.very
6.“You are v ry selfish. It’s hig time tha you _ _ you are not he most importan
person i the world.” Edward said to his bos angrily.1
A.realized B.have r alized
C.realize D.would realize
7 . The words of his old teacher left a _ _ impres ion on his mind. He is til
influenced by them. A.long B.lively
C.lasting D.liberal
8.Wil am Pen , the founder of Pen sylvani , _ _ def nde the right of ev ry cit zen
to fre dom of choice in relig on. A.peculiar y B.ind f er ntly
C.vigor usly D.inevitably
9.I’ve n ver be n to Beij ng, but i ’s the place_ _ . A.wher I’d like to vis t B.in whic I’d like to vis t
C.I most want o vis t D.tha I want o vis t i most
10.The profes or was quite used _ _ late for his lecture. A.to have students B.for students’ being
C.for students o be D.to students’ being
1 .The mad man was put in the soft pad ed cel est he _ _ himself. A.injures B.had injured
C.injured D.should injure
12.If tap water wer as dangerous a some p ople think, _ _ would be g t ing sick. A.a lot f more us B.more a lot f us
C.a lot f us ome D.a lot more of us
13.The car _ _ halfway for no reason. A.broke of B.broke down
C.broke up D.broke out
14.The n wcomers found it mpos ible to _ _ themselv s to he climate suf ic ently12
to make p rmane t homes in the n w country. A.suit B.ad pt
C.regulate D.co rdinate
15.Jane ver d eams of _ _ for her to be s nt abroad very so n. A.ther being a chance B.ther to be a chance
C.ther be a chance D.being a chance
16.Frequently single-parent children _ _ some of the functions tha the absent adult
in the ouse would have s rved. A.take of B.take after
C.take in D.take on
17.I’d rather you _ _ make any is ue for the time b ing. A.don’t B.wouldn’t
C.di n’t D.shouldn’t
18.Al things _ _ , the plan ed trip wil have to be cal ed of . A.consider d B.be consider d
C.considering D.having consider d
19.Crit c sm and self-crit c sm is nec s ary _ _ it helps u to find and cor ect our
mistakes. A.by tha B.at hat
C.on tha D.in tha
20.After so many we ks without rain, the ground quickly _ _ the lit e rain tha fel
last night. A.skip ed B.soaked
C.ret i ved D.absorbed
21.We’l _ _ you as o n as we have any further information. A.notify B.sign fy13
C.com unicate D.impart
2 .The fox fel into he _ _ the unters had set for it. A.bush B.trap
C.trick D.cir le
23.I don’t know you want o ke p the l t er. I’ve _ _ it up. A.torn B.given
C.broken D.disposed
24.The old ady _ _ and fel from the top f the stairs to he bot m. A.slide B.split
C.slip ed D.spil ed
25.Their o m was on the third flo r, its window _ _ the sports ground. A.overlo ks B.overlo king
C.overlo ked D.to verlo k
Part I Cloze. (1 5’×20=30’)
Directions: Ther are 20 blanks in the fol wing pas ges. For each blank ther are four
choices marked A, B C and D. You should cho se the ONE tha fits nto he pas ge. Write
your answer on the Answer She t. Nowad ys English learne s have a wide choice of dict onaries. Ther are 1 with
American English, with Brit sh English, with dioms or slang, and 2 with pictures. One of
the most 3 dict onaries I have s en among many students i the 4 el ctronic dict onary. Al you have to d is to 5 a word in your language and you can se it and 6 it n
English. That’s great, right? Wel , I think it’s great, o …but only sometimes. Bil ngual e ctronic dict onaries are fast and 7 . They can be great 8 you are
traveling and e d information quickly. 9 I am ag inst el ctronic dict onaries and ev n
bil ngual 10 dict onaries n many case . Let me xplain. When you reach an i termediate (中等的)lev l of English, you know 1 of the14
language to ask the meani g of certain things while using English. Translating betwe n
languages in your head 12 time. You should be translating as lit e as pos ible and 13 in
English as much as pos ible. I strongly recom end tha intermediate and a vanced students
should 14 an English-English dict onary tha is made 15 for your nderstandi g. For
example,Foreign Language T aching and Res arch Pres has go d ict onaries for students
and 16 publish ng house do, t o. I also fe l tha pa er dict onaries are b t er for studying than el ctronic dict onaries. True, they take longer to use. But, for some r ason, the information you 17 se ms to stay in your
head longer. It may be 18 you are forced to spel the word in your head nd ther fore “se
it” more clearly in your 19 . So what do y u do if you have check d an English-English dict onary and stil don’t
understand something? Go t your bil ngual dict onary. It is u eful sometimes. Just rem ber
to ry to 20 in E glish as much as pos ible. 1.A.dict onaries B.bo ks C.mag zines D.pa ers
2.A.stil B.ev n C.yet D.just
3.A.inter sting B.useful C.expensive D.po ular
4.A.saying B.talking C.speaking D.tel ing
5.A.take down B.get acros C.type in D.say out
6.A.observ B.fe l C.hear D.say
7.A.dif cult B.vital C.helpful D.easy
8.A.when B.as C.after D.before
9.A.So B.And C.But D.While
10.A.plastic B.pa er C.el ctri D.visual
1 .A.enough B.lit e C.most D.few
12.A.spends B.cost C.takes D.invest
13.A.writ ng B.typing C.think g D.refl cting15
14.A.bor w B.buy C.ke p D.use
15.A.esp cial y B.special y C.gen ral y D.extrem ly
16.A.another B.other C.the other D.others
17.A.ref r to B.check in C.lo k up D.put in
18.A.why B.because C.when D.wher
19.A.mind B.ears C.ey s D.heart
20.A.speak B.stay C.save D.rem ber
Part IV Reading Compreh nsion. (3’ ×20=60’)
Directions: Ther are four pas ges in this ection. Each section is fol wed by some
questions or unfi shed sta em nts. For each of them ther are four choices marked A, B C
and D. You should ecide on the b st choice and write he answer on the Answer She t. Pas ge One
In his 20 6 bo k Stumbling( 偶 然 遇 见 ) on Hap ines , the author Daniel Gilbert, a
Harv d profes or f psychol gy, lo ks at sev ral studies and concludes tha marit l (婚姻的)
sati faction decr ase after the birth of the first child and increas only when the last child
has left home. He also declares tha parents are hap ier g ocery shop ing and ev n sle ping
than spendi g time with eir k ds. The most rec nt compreh nsive study on the moti nal sta e of those with kids hows u
tha the t rm “bundle of joy” may not be the most ac urate way to describe our kids. “Parents
experi nce lower lev ls of emoti nal wel -being, les frequent posit ve moti ns and more
frequent egative moti ns than their child es pe rs,” say Florida Sta e University’s Robin
Simon, a soci logy profes or. Simon rec ived plenty of hate mail n response to her es arch, whic isn’t surp is ng. Her find gs hake the v ry foundation f what we b liev to be true. In a rec nt News e k16
Pol , 50 perc nt of Americans aid tha d ing new children to he family can i creas
hap ines lev ls. But whic parent is wil ng to admit hat he great s gift life has to f er has
in fact made his or her life l s enjoyable?
Is it pos ible tha American parents have always be n so dis l usioned? In pre-industrial
America, parents certainly oved their children, but heir k ds al o serv d a pur ose— to work
the farm, contribute o the ousehold. Today, we have kids more for emoti nal reasons, but an
increasingly complicated work and social environment has made find g sati faction far more
dif cult. Rais ng children has not nly become more complicated, it has become more
expensive as wel . The National Mar iage Project’s 20 6 report say tha parents have
sign ficantly ower marit l sati faction than onparents because they xperi nced more single
and child-fre years than previous gen rations. As for those of us with kids, al the n ws i n’t bad. Parents il report fe ling a great r
sen of pur ose and meani g in their l ves than those who’ve n ver had kids. And ther are
other warding aspects of parenti g tha re impos ible to quantify. 1.What’s he main dea of the bo k Stumbling on Hap ines ?
A.Parents are hap ier shop ing than lo king after heir children. B.Once they have children, the couples can ev r be as hap y as before. C.Compared with eir child es pe rs, parents are l ading a s d life. D.The ad ing of children at home brings down marit l sati faction. 2.What can we infer f om Par .3?
A.The News e k Pol shows tha people think Prof. Simon’s find g is r ght. B.Many people can’t ac ept he fact hat hey are not hap y with eir children. C.It isn’t surp is ng tha Profes or Simon’s controversial res arch made h r famous. D . Simon’s find gs are based on the beli f pas ed own from gen ration to
gen ration. 3.The underlined word “ is l usioned” (Line 1, Par . 4) is close t in meani g to _ _ ?17
A.mistaken B.il usory
C.unhap y D.emoti nal
4.What can we l arn about American’s famil es in the past?
A.People had very go d parents-children relationship n the family. B.Having children could be partly out of some practi al pur ose . C.Parents loved their children but hey stil asked them to work a lot. D.Children had to work very hard to make their parents love them. 5.What’s he author’s opin o about having children?
A.The author doesn’t hink having children is a go d thing to he family. B.The author fe ls children make the life of a mily hap y. C.The author thinks parenti g can stil be r warding in a certain way. D.The author beli ves tha parents acrif ce a lot f r having children. Pas ge Two
One old and bit er debate in student unio bars al over the country is resolved as
ac demic res arch onfirms tha in fina cial terms at least, arts degr es are a complet waste
of time. Get ing through university increas students’ earni gs by 25%, on average, or
$2 0, 0 over their l fetime, ac ording to Profes or Ian Walker of Warwick University- but if
they study Shakesp are or the p as nts’ revolt instead of an tomy or contract law, those gains
are likely to be complet ly wiped out. The government is about o al ow universit es to charge students up to $3,0 a year for
their degr es, arguing tha it’s a smal price to pay compared with e fina cial rewards
graduates gain later in life. But Prof. Walker’s res arch s ows ther are sharp changes in
returns ac ording to whic subject a student akes. Law, medic ne and econ mics or busines are the most lucrative choices, making their
average arni gs 25% hig er, ac ording to he article. Scientis get 10- 5% extra. At he
bot m of the list are arts ubjects, whic make only a “smal ” dif er nce to earni gs- a smal18
negative one, in fact. Just ahead re d gre s in education- whic leav s hard pres d teachers
an verage of 5% bet r of a year than if they had left scho l at 18. “It’s hard to resi t he conclusion tha what s udents learn does mat er a lot; and some
subject are s give more modest fina cial returns than others,” Prof. Walker said. As an
econ mist, he was quick to p int out hat s udents might gain on-fina cial returns from arts
degr es: “Studying econ mics might be v ry dul , for example, and studying post-modernism
might be a lot f un. 6.What is the b st i le for the pas ge?
A.Profes or Walker’s Res arch. B.How to Make Big Money. C.Dif er nces Betwe n Science and Arts Degr es. D.Studying Arts Has Negative Fina cial Outcome. 7.Universit es charge students a r ther hig tui on mainly because_ _ . A.they provide the students with very prosperous ubjects o learn
B.they as ume tha their g aduates can earn much more than they had paid
C.they don’t get fina cial sup ort f om the government
D.they ne d much rev nue to sup ort he ducational expens
8.The underlined word “lucrative” (Line 1, Par . 3) most proba ly means _ _ . A.sen ible B.creative
C.profitable D.reliable
9.Law, medical nd busines graduates could earn 25% more than _ _ . A.education graduates
B.arts graduates
C.those who ad not s udie at he university
D.the average income
10.We can safely conclude tha the author _ _ .19
A.regards arts degr es a meani gles
B.finds this result disap oint g and unfair
C.wants he students o think twice b fore they decide what o learn i col eg
D.holds tha rts degr es are stil rewarding despite s car e fina cial returns
Pas ge Thre
You may think people iv ng in a beautif l, fun-fil ed place are hap ier than others. If so, you have some mistaken ideas bout he nature of hap ines . Many intel igent people stil equate hap ines with fun. The tru h is tha fun and
hap ines have lit e or nothing in com on. Fun is what we xperi nce during an act. Hap ines i what we xperi nce after an ct. I is a de p r, more lasting emoti n. Going to an amusem nt park or bal game, watching a movie or tel vis on, are fun
activ es tha help us relax, tempora ily forget our p oblems and maybe ven laugh. But hey
do n t bring hap ines , because their posit ve f ects end when the fun e ds. I have often thought hat if Hol ywo d stars have a role to play, it s to each us tha
hap ines has nothing to d with fun. Thes rich, beautif l ind viduals have constan ac es to
glamor us parties, fancy ars, expensive homes, ev rything tha spel s “hap ines ”. But in
me oir after me oir, cel brit es rev al the unhap ines hid en ben ath al their fun:
depr s ion, alcoh lism, drug ad ict on, broken mar iages, troubled children and prof und
lonelines . Ask a b chelor why e r si t mar i ge ven though e finds ating to be l s and les
sati fying. If he’s honest, he wil tel you tha he is afr id of making a com itment. For
com itment is n fact quite painful. The single ife is fil ed with fun, adventure and
excitem nt. Mar i ge has uch mo ents, but hey are not i s most dist nguish ng features. Sim lar y, couples tha cho se not have children are d cid ng in favor f painles fun
over painful hap ines . They can dine out when ver they want and sle p as late as they want.20
Couples with nfa t children are lucky to get a whole night’s le p or a thre -day vac tion. I
don’t know any parent who would cho se the word fun to describe rais ng children. Understandi g and ac epting tha true hap ines has nothing to d with fun is one of the
most liberating realizations we can ev r come to. It liberates time: now e can devote more
hours to activ es tha can genui ely increas our hap ines . It liberates money: buying tha
new car o those fancy lothes tha wil do nothing to increas our hap ines now se ms
pointles . And it l berates u from envy: we now understand tha l those rich and glamor us
people we wer so ure are hap y because they are always having so much fun actual y may
not be hap y at l . 1 .Whic of the fol wing is true?
A.Fun creat s long-lasting sati faction. B.Fun provides njoyment while pain leads to hap ines . C.Hap ines i enduring wher as fun is hort-lived. D.Fun tha is long-standi g may lead to hap ines . 12.To the author, Hol ywo d stars al have an importan role to play, tha is to _ _ . A.write me oir after me oir about heir hap ines
B.tel the public tha hap ines has nothing to d with fun
C.teach people how to enjoy their l ves
D.bring hap ines to he public nstead of going to glamor us parties
13.Ac ording to he pas ge, mar iage _ _ . A.af ords great r fun B.leads to rais ng children
C.ind cates com itment D.ends in pain
14.Couples having infant children_ _ . A.are lucky since they can have a whole night’s le p
B.find fun i tucking them into bed at night
C.find more time to play nd joke with em21
D.derive hap ines from their ndeavor
15.If one g ts he meani g of the true s n e of hap ines , he wil _ _ . A.stop laying ames and joking with others
B.make the b st use of his t me increasing hap ines
C.give a fre hand to money
D.ke p himself with is family
Pas ge Four
Dev loped and ev loping nations can learn from each other se king a low ­ carbon
econ my,Chines government of ic al s id n Shanghai yest rday. “China doesn’t lag dev loped nations in terms of en rgy saving and gre n econ my”, said Zhou Changyi,director f the nergy saving department of the Min stry of Industry and
Information Technol gy. “While we can learn many aspects from dev loped nations, they also hould earn
something from us, uch as water conservation,” Zhou said n a spe ch during the n w Path of
China’s Industrial zation forum at he ongoing China International Industry Fair 20 9. He said ndustrial zed nations and China re d aling with dif er nt is ues to c mbat
climate change. The United Kingdom, for example, is concern d about ransport, build ngs
and new en rgy in reducing carbon emis ons. For China, the most urgent ask is how to
realize n w type of industrial zation a d avoid mistakes tha other countries made when they
wer industrial zed. As uch, overs a exhib tors at his year’s fair e showing ways to help China chiev
low carbon emis ons in the industrial section. Swis power and automation technol gy group AB cal ed for a stronger focus on
product life­cy le as e sment, or LCA, whic is u ed to study the nvironmental impact of a
product from the r search and manufacturing stage through its u age and recy ling.2
Tobias Beck r, head of AB ’s proces automation div sion for North Asia nd China, said LCA is an ef ctive to l in helping manufacturing industries to reduce arbon emis ons. LCA shows tha industrial customers hould focus on a product’s environmental impact
throughout i s life ­ cy le instead of n its in t al investment or eady ­ to ­ use tage. For
example, a mot r’s in t al investment ac ounts for nly 3 perc nt of its life­cy le cost, while
94 perc nt goes to fuel consumption a d the r st o mainte ance. Richard Hausman , North East Asia CEO of Siem ns, aid, “The col r of ut re
industrial zation is gre n.” The Germany Company rec ntly an ounces tha it wants o rec ive
orde s worth more than 6 bil on Euros (US 8. bil on) for intel igent et power networks, Smart Grid, over the n xt five y ars. Siem ns has et a 20 perc nt market share target for the
global smart g id busines . A smart grid elivers el ctri ty from sup liers to c nsumers u ing dig tal echnol gy, advanced sen ors pecial zed computers tha s ve nergy, reduce ost and increas reliab lity. The United Sta es and China re consider d the two big est markets for smart g id. 16.“_ _ ” can replace the underlined word “lag”.
A.Fal behind B.Be superio t
C.At ack D.Fear
17.Whic of the fol wing about LCA is TRUE?
A.LCA is u ed to study the impact on a product. B.LCA can help manufacturing industries decr ase carbon rel ase a lot. C . LCA shows industrial customers hould focus on a product’s environmental
influence on its nit al investment. D.LCA was one of the xhib t ons at his year’s fair. 18.What can we infer about Siem ns from the last par graph but one of the pas ge?
A.Siem ns has oc upied 20 % market share for the global smart g id busines . B.Siem ns rec ived orde s worth 6 bil on Euros rec ntly.23
C.Siem ns wil earn $ 8. bil on from intel igent power networks. D.Siem ns’ plan bout Smart Grid may come true in the fut re. 19._ _ about Smart Grid sn’t mentioned in the pas ge. A.Energy­saving B.Low­cost
C.Security D.Smal size
20.The b st i le for the pas ge is _ _ . A.Dev loped and Dev loping Nations Can Learn From Each Other
B.Low­carbon Econ my—a Shared Goal
C.Intel igent Power Networks
D.Two Big est Markets for Smart Grid
Part V Writ ng. (30’)
Write on Answer She t a composit on f about 20 words on the fol wing topic. Should Moral Education Be Conducted in Col eg ?
You are to write n thre parts. In the first part, s ate specif al y what your view is. In the s cond part, sup ort your view ith reasons. In the third part, bring what you have writ en to a n tural conclusion r a sum ary. Marks wil be given for conte , organization and ap rop iacy. Failure to f l ow the
instructions may result in a los of marks. 英语/商务英语参考答案
Part I Listeni g (70’)

Part I Gram ar & Vocabulary (2’×25= 0’)24
1-5 A C A D A 6-10 A C C D
1 - 5 D B A 16-20 D C A D
21- 5 A B A C B
Part I Cloze (1.5’×20=30’)
1-5 A B D B C 6-10 C D A C B
1 - 5 A C D A 16-20 B C B A B
Part IV Reading Compreh nsion (3’ ×20=60’)
Pas ge One 1-5 D B A B C
Pas ge Two 6-10 D B C D
Pas ge Thre 1 - 5 C B C D B
Pas ge Four 16-20 A B D B
Part V Writ ng (30’)
30-26 分:内容切题,包括题中所列三方面的内容;清楚表达其内涵,文字连贯;句式
25- 1 分:内容切题,包括题中所列三方面的内容;比较清楚地表达其内涵,文字基本
20-16 分:内容切题,基本包括题中所列三方面的内容;基本清楚地表达其内涵,文字
15- 1 分:内容基本切题,基本包括题中所列三方面的内容;语句可以理解,但有较多
10-6 分:基本按要求写作,但只有少数句子可理解。
5-0 分:文不切题,语句混乱,无法理解。

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